
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Making 3 Dimensional Shapes in a Center

My 5 year old granddaughter recently used an I-Pad application to make different Playdough creations that featured step-by-step photos. That gave me the idea to create a series of photos that could guide Kindergarten students or 1st Grade students to create 3 dimensional shapes independently in a math center.

So I created the above series of photos for my granddaughter, let her work independently, and this is what happened...
I saved a copy of the series of photographs in my Google Docs so you can use it in your center. Click here to view or download it.

 In addition,consider using a series of photos directly on your I-Pad that the students would view step-by-step and create their own shape  OR have them create another 3-D shape and take photographs of each step as they create the 3-D shape.

For older students, they could add written directions for each step. This would be an authentic writing assignment.

Have fun... Ella and I certainly did!

Deborah Devine

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Everyday Math Kindergarten Center Card Response Sheets

I'm so EXCITED!  I've been working on a set of response sheets to go along with the Everyday Math Center Cards for Kindergarten. I'd like to give you a sneak peak at Card 15.

Click here to download Card 15 Response Sheet: Pan Balance.

My mouse friend in the upper left hand corner of the response sheet indicates what center card the response sheet goes along with. I'm planning to create response sheets for the 36 center cards so it will be easier for the teacher to have evidence of her students' learning at math centers.  So far I have 15 created and my goal is to complete the set by February 5th.

Keep posted...they are coming!!!
Deborah Devine

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ten Frame at Illuminations...I Highly Recommend It!

Ten Frame at Illuminations

 Thinking about numbers using frames of 10 can be a helpful way to learn basic number facts, develop number sense. and to develop counting and addition skills.There is also a Five Frame Applet too.
Here is a link to this great applet at Illuminations.

 I HIGHLY recommend it. Lastly, it's free and can be used in your computer lab at school. Once your students play it, they will want to play it at home too.
Deborah Devine

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Color Coded Fraction Comparison Chart

This color coded fraction comparison chart would be a valuable resource to a student that has difficulty tracking information across a table.  Using a ruler or two strips of heavy paper vertically to compare the fractions would also be an effective strategy to use this chart.  If you don’t want to copy the chart using colored ink, another idea is to use a strip of lightly colored acetate film to help track across the chart.
 How do you recognize those students that could use this differentiating resource?
Look for students that use their finger to track the information, or use a ruler under the line of information, or seem overwhelmed when reading charts of this type.
I personally have difficulty in tracking information across a page, and through experimenting I have found these adaptations to be of value to me.

Click here for a copy of the Fraction Bars.

Deborah Devine

Got It: A game that practices recognizing equivalent fractions, decimals and percents.

This is the 6th game in a series that highlights the relationship between fractions, decimals and percents. This particular game practices recognizing equivalent fractions, percents, and decimals.
Instruction Sheet
The Equivalent Reference Card is to be used by the Caller to check the equivalents used by the players.

Click her to obtain a copy of the directions and Equivalent Reference Card. 

This game uses a deck of cards from Everyday Math called the "Fraction/Decimal/Percent Deck".  If you don't have that particular deck of cards, you can make your own using the listed amounts in the reference card.  You can make them with blank index cards.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Picture It :A game that creates visual models of fractions, decimals, and percents

Here is the 5th Math Game in a series of games that highlights the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents. In this game you create visual models of the fraction, demimal, or percent card that you draw from the deck. (Card deck is available from Everyday Math or create your own deck using the amounts that you know your students need more practice creating visual models.)

Since my upcoming workshop in my district will feature 7 games... I only have 2 more to create :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Percent Give and Take, Fraction/Decimal/Percent Card Deck Game #4,

In 3 previous posts, I shared some games that highlight the relationship between Fractions/Decimals/and Percents.

This is the 4th Game called Percent Give and Take.

To obtain a copy of this game click here. This game focuses on calculating a percentage of an amount of money.  Everyone starts with $5.00 and adds and subtracts the percentage of money that is specified from the card deck .

I like this game because it has a lot of strategy since you can give away your money to any of the players and take money from your choice of players too. That means that I want to selectively give money to a player that has a low amount of money, and take my percentage of money from a player that has a lot of money!  The object of the game is to have the most money at the end of the game when one of the players runs out of money.

The percentage cards used are 50%, 33 1/3 % , 66 2/3%, 25%, 75%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 16 2/3 %, 12 1/2 %, 37 1/2 %, 62 1/2%, 87 1/2%, 10%, 30%, 70%, and 90%.

The names of the games that I have already shared in November and December are: Value Up Fractions, Talking About Decimals, and Getting To Know You..Fraction, Decimals, and Percent.
