
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Color Coded Fraction Comparison Chart

This color coded fraction comparison chart would be a valuable resource to a student that has difficulty tracking information across a table.  Using a ruler or two strips of heavy paper vertically to compare the fractions would also be an effective strategy to use this chart.  If you don’t want to copy the chart using colored ink, another idea is to use a strip of lightly colored acetate film to help track across the chart.
 How do you recognize those students that could use this differentiating resource?
Look for students that use their finger to track the information, or use a ruler under the line of information, or seem overwhelmed when reading charts of this type.
I personally have difficulty in tracking information across a page, and through experimenting I have found these adaptations to be of value to me.

Click here for a copy of the Fraction Bars.

Deborah Devine

1 comment:

  1. I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! Pop on over to my blog so that you can pick it up.
    Thanks for all that you blog!

