
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Learners Can Help Each Other

I was working with a class of students creating a map that featured coordinate grids. One student came in late and I asked him for a suggestion about what I could do so he would feel part of our project. Together we figured out a plan and another student suggested that he could help him get started. Here is what his exit slip said that day:

How Learners Can Help Each Other

By Anthony

When I got in the classroom late, I didn't know if I would be able to finish.  I was a little worried about that.   I figured out that a community of learners can help someone that comes in late, by giving pointers, and not focusing too much on me, so we all were able to complete our projects.    After my friends helped me I felt awesome, because I was able to finish part of what I had to do. If they didn't help me, I probably would have to finish when they were working on something else. I still had some trouble with my project, but not as much as I would have had if they didn't help me. If we didn't have a community of learners, work would be more difficult and less enjoyable.

Math is important, but creating a class that feels like a "community of learners" is the REAL DEAL!

1 comment:

  1. You're so right about the importance of creating a community of learners. I'm glad that student was able to participate in what looks like an awesome activity! Could you give us some information about the coordinate map lesson you taught?
