
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Guided Math Signs

I don't use Management Boards to organize Guided Math Groups.
example of a management board
I find that they are just one more task to complete each day.
Instead I use the geography of the room to rotate.

I have students rotate to the 3 or 4 different work stations positioned throughout the classroom in a clockwise motion.  That way there are not students walking around in 4 different directions, but a smooth, quiet, and quick station to station motion. During work station time, the students hear two different auditory signals (bell, chime, clicker)  to signal:
 1) it is time to clean up and get ready to move, 
 2) mouths closed, materials in hand..let's move to the next station.

By the way, the teacher guided group where grade level math instruction is being taught is one of those work stations. The other work stations are just groups of desks, a table, or an open floor space near a bookshelf housing student materials for the work station.

I was at IKEA and I saw these picture frames

 They cost 50 cents each or 2 for $.99.
They are two sided and would be perfect for labeling the station areas as students learn the routine of going from station to station.  Later they could be used to feature examples of quality student work to show students your expectations of the quality that you are looking for on an assignment. 


  1. Replies
    1. Mary,
      As teachers we have to decided how to spend our time most effectively. So, I agree...simpler is better.

  2. I love the idea of placing student examples in the IKEA frames too.
