
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Morning Meeting to Create a Sense of Community

Yesterday, Antionette commented, "
I have taught a split classroom two different years. I decided both years to not group them by grade level because I didn't want my class to feel divided. I wanted to create a community in which we acted as one. It worked really well I think. I have seen it both ways though. 
Her comment reminded me about
Morning Meeting.
 One strategy that I've seen used to increase this sense of community was "Morning Meeting" from Responsive Classroom.  
What about a meeting that answered questions like:
"One of my strengths when working with a partner is..."
"When I work with a partner on a project, I always ____ so we both contribute to the final project."
"My partner knows that I am listening to their ideas about our project when I ..."
"Today, we are going to practice listening to a partner. I'll give an idea to you, and then you repeat it back to me. Here's a good sentence opener: "I heard you say ....."
I'll always remember an interview that I saw with Lee Iacocca, the businessman who in 1980 revived the Chrysler Corporation.
He said that he hired employees that know how to work together in small groups or with a partner. He believed that when ideas are discussed and refined, the quality of those ideas increase.
 Partners see new ideas.   .

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