
Monday, April 2, 2012


Did you see my video from yesterday?  I am sOOOOOOOOOOO excited. Why?
I just love the help that bloggers give other bloggers. I played with the application educreations on Sunday to figure out how to it (which is a free download!). 
Next, I had to signup for ( which is a free download for the basic package).
Then I tried embedding the video myself and it was just okay, but you had to link to another screen to view the video.

SO, I emailed the creater of  educreations- Chris Streeter, and he emailed back within a couple of hours and explained exactly how to embed the video so it could be played directly from my blog and now it looks WONDERFUL!

I can see lots of possibilities with this app-for our creative students, because it is so easy and fast to use.  What about students explaining how to do a math calculation or create a reaction to a story.

I think I'm going to do a video about how to do LATTICE look for it coming soon.

And I wanted to explain my flip book about Strategies to Help You Remember Your Multiplication Facts
............Yippee........I can hardly wait.


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