
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Text Validation of Answers

This graphic organizer is helpful when you are teaching your students to validate their answers with direct information from the text.  I like to have them write the source page numbers on the little books so we can find the original source of information if needed.

I hope this will be helpful to you. CLICK HERE TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THIS GRAPHIC ORGANIZER.

Deborah Devine 


  1. Hi Deborah:
    Of course, this graphic organizer is already printed and waiting for me to use in my next lesson. I love how you help me fill up my plan book!
    Did you make this one on PowerPoint? And then save it as a PDF? And then (somehow) get it into Google docs? I'm still struggling in my efforts to share. But I sure do love to borrow from YOU!

    Thanks for all you do!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
