
Friday, October 28, 2011

Words Their Way: Ginger's and Kim's Master Schedule

This is the MASTER SCHEDULE that is used by Ginger and Kim. On the schedule. the word
"Instruction" indicates when that group is meeting with the teacher in a small guided group. Colors on the master schedule represent the color of the level of instruction and the accompanying Words Their Way book .  Tasks increase on the individual schedule sheets as the work gets harder.
CLICK HERE to obtain a copy of their master schedule.

The rest of their system is discussed in the October 27th, 2011, post titled, "Creating Independent Learner with Words Their Way"  You can obtain their checklists and grading rubric from that post.

In addition to the books shown above, our district provides the book for adapting for English Language Learners for teachers to use in their lesson planning.

Deborah's Comments:  Systems like the one used by Ginger and Kim create INDEPENDENT Learners and can be used in both multigrade and single grade level classrooms. WHY? Because it doesn't matter what grade the student is in...what matters is where they are in their learning journey and how we can differentiate the level of instruction for that individual journey.

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