
Monday, August 29, 2011

Avoiding Technolgy "Breakdowns"

Do technology breakdowns make your knees quiver?  Then create a "Plan B" and make a PowerPoint presentation by taking screen shots of the interactive model that highlights the most important points.

I've been creating a Multi-level Planets Unit for my 3/4 and 4/5 Multigrade classrooms in our district. I want some of the activities to be whole group, while other activities will be assigned according to the grade level of the student.   

I want the teachers to be comfortable with the visual aids that I've suggested so I am listing the internet site and providing a Plan B PowerPoint too. 

After creating the slides, I added a text box that stated the month shown in the revolution of Earth.  In the small box that shows the angle of the suns rays as they hit the Earth, I made sure that the latitude shown was for our town. 

I added some slides that explained what was happening in the simulation to provide support for the teacher using my PowerPoint in his/her classroom.  So if your knees quiver... then create a "Plan  B."


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