
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Management Board Idea using PowerPoint Self-Running Presentations

    Since Chapter 1, I've been thinking about those management boards and worrying about how much time it takes to place all the students in a center.  In our classrooms we have  TVators (A TV that displays your compter screen). What if you made a master self-running ( or looped)  PowerPoint presentation that you just changed details like page numbers and math station numbers each day. At the beginning of math time, you would display the computer screen on the TVator and students would look there for what they were to do next. No schedules or papers to pass out each day.
   The presentation would be timed to change screens each 10 or 15 seconds and repeat the presentation over and over.  When ever the student needed to see what they needed to do they just watched the screen until their group was displayed. 
     Click HERE to see what the Looped PowerPoint Presentation might look like. Notice that several different math stations would be offered as stations that could be used.  Certain photographs would be used over and over until a child could glance at the screen and realize exactly what activity was to be done.

So this is how the overall math time would look like:
9:00 - 9:30 Teacher is teaching the 2nd Graders up in the front of the room at  2 small tables near the whiteboard. (same space that is used for small group reading groups)
Meanwhile 1st graders are completing their journal pages and doing their math stations.

9:30 - 10:00 Teacher is teaching the 1st Graders up in the front of the room at 2 small tables near the whiteboard.  Meanwhile 2nd Graders are completing their journal pages from today and doing their math stations.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Of course this same idea might be used in a single grade classroom also.



  1. In my post I used different grade levels, but the same idea would work if you had Guided Math Groups- 2, 3, or 4 groups, within a single grade.

  2. That does seem like a good idea. I too have a TV that connects to my computer. Thanks for the example!

    Magnificent Multiagers!

  3. Can I ask about the journals? What are the kids writing about? I'm just curious as I'm about to teach a 1/2 for the first time and just worrying about managing them!!

  4. I think there are several different math stations would be offered as stations that could be used. Certain photographs would be used over and over until a child could glance at the screen and realize exactly what activity was to be done....Math Multiplication
